Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Family Room and Posting

Well, it's been a while since I've posted and I've come realize that I can't keep a regularly scheduled Saturday post. My weekends are just too unpredictable (sorry sis). I do like the idea of three posts a week though and I also seem to be doing fine with Tuesdays and Thursdays, which means that the third post will happen randomly sometime during the week. Surprise!!

Today I am going to continue the house tour but before I do how about a project update? On President's Day I began painting the front door yellow. For weeks I had different samples taped to the door and I learned quickly which one was my favorite, Valspar Gold Tone. So off to Lowes I went, picked up a quart of paint and a gallon of primer and set to work. I finished the inside of the door that day but not the outside...the door was a dark red after all. I did, however, finish the outside this past weekend. It took one coat of primer and five...FIVE coats of yellow paint. In hindsight, I should have primed more but I was anxious to see the end result. I am not showing the final reveal yet because I am still trying to paint the horrible red frame around the out side of the door. Can you picture it? Yellow door, red frame? Horrendous. Just to remind of what it looked like originally, here is a picture:

Ok, now on to the family room portion of this post.


This is the man cave/gaming room/family room. When Steve and I watch movies, we like to watch them in here because it gets the darkest out of all the rooms. Steve also likes to play his games in here while I watch my shows in the living room.

Steve picked out the paint color since this is mainly his domain. At first, he picked out a more vibrant burnt orange but it was too electric looking. Seriously, it looked like someone plugged it in so he went back and chose a more muted burnt orange.Similar to the living room, I love how it compliments the wood tones in the room. Plus I just love color. It makes me happy.

The furniture was all second hand too. His grandmother gave him the chair (practically brand new). The couch he picked up at a garage sale for $100. It's not real leather but it's in excellent condition, and he stuck a leather scented car freshener in the cushions to make it smell like leather. Sneaky little devil. The two large bookcases were also handed down by his grandma and the TV stand is the bar that was originally bought to go in the living room.

The layout that you see now was not the original layout of the room when we first moved in. At first, Steve set it up like this:

But, a good friend of his came down one weekend to visit and convinced him to rearrange the room which is how we got the layout we currently have. Thanks Trey! It was kind of funny to see two guys in there moving around the furniture and discussing layout ideas. I love how it looks now. But, I didn't mind the old layout it just wasn't always the most comfortable when we were watching TV. Another reason I love the new layout is because while I'm sitting on the couch I can reach behind me put my dishes in the sink.

Well, that's the family room! Stay tuned for more on Thursday.

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